Planning to Stay: A Workshop for Teachers
Reclaim your classroom from burnout, demoralization and exploitation
with concrete activities and supportive community.
What's the Plan?
This three-day workshop will support classroom educators to accurately diagnose what is causing their professional pain, re-connect to the components of teaching that are nourishing and empowering, and build targeted strategies to stay connected to what matters most throughout the school year.
Day 1: Define and diagnose burnout, demoralization, and exploitation. Build healing action plans.
Day 2: Reconnect with your strengths and what drew you to the profession in the first place.
Day 3: Implement specific planning and self-regulation strategies (both in the classroom and out) to support you to stay pleasant, present, and firmly rooted in your own life no matter what the school year brings.
Jess Cleeves is the workshop facilitator. This workshop is based on the book that Jess wrote; "Planning to Stay: Burnout, Demoralization, Exploitation, and How to Reclaim Your Classroom and Your Life... Anyway."
Participants don't need to have read the book in order to find utility in the workshop. Participants who have read the book can expect to be guided through some of the activities in the book, and may encounter some activities not included.
Can't make it for the entire time? No worries, sessions will be recorded, and the recordings will be available for 30 days after the session ends.
This virtual workshop will be a combination of direct instruction and participant activities daily. The structure is intended to support both those who want to connect with other struggling educators and those who would rather hang out camera-off and participate from afar.
While each day will vary slightly, here's an example agenda to illustrate how any given day will strive to balance information dissemination, active processing time, and breaks:
Opening activity - practicing secret self-regulation (15 mins)
Direct instruction - defining burnout, demoralization, and exploitation (45 mins)
10 min break
Activity: diagnosis - are you burnt out, demoralized, exploited, or all 3? (30 mins)
Direct instruction: what not to do with your diagnosis (20 mins)
10 min break
Optional breakout rooms: guided small-group processing of our diagnoses (30 mins)
Optional Q&A (20 mins)
Each day will save any interactive sections to the end, so that any educators who would rather not interact can leave the session at that time.
By workshop's end, each participating educator will leave with:
An accurate diagnosis (burnout/demoralization/exploitation) and a specific prescription to address it
3 personalized guiding values to use as a filter to prioritize commitments and tasks, both in the classroom and out
A nuanced understanding of embedded self-care, and a list of high-value self-care activities to prioritize
A template for lesson planning that will allow you to stay connected to what you want to know, feel, and be able to do within your teaching practice to stay energized, remoralized, and protected.
Sliding Scale
Tickets are non-refundable once purchased, and are offered on a sliding scale. If purchasing the ticket that aligns with the number of years you have been teaching creates a hardship for you (hardship = impacting your housing, transportation, or food security), please reach out to request a scholarship.
Acknowledging professional pain is a courageous decision, and it deserves to be supported with compassion, care, and confidentiality.
By registering, all participants agree to:
Speak from your own experience, and refrain from offering advice or opinions about others' situations.
Honor confidentiality, both by leaving names of colleagues out of shared examples and by ensuring that no one's information (name, location, etc) is shared outside of sessions.
Welcome each other by displaying pronouns, pronouncing each others' names correctly when in small group, and approaching each other in gratitude for all we can learn from each other. Harrassment, bullying, and hate speech are not per mitted, and will be met with swift removal and disenrollment.